Sarawak Liberica Talk at ICC 2024
Finally, We have completed our presentation on the “Sarawak Liberica Refinement Project” at the International Coffee Convention 2024! We are incredibly grateful for the overwhelmingly positive feedback.
It was an immense honour to share the stage with such esteemed figures in the coffee industry, including the Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization, Dr Schwarz, Dr Aaron Davis, Dr Christophe Montagnon, Dr Lacchenmaier, Max Fabian, and many other respected scholars.
A heartfelt thanks to the Coffee Consulate, the International Coffee Convention, our fellow Liberica growers from Sarawak, FAMA, SDG, and all the parties that have supported this movement.
Special thanks also go to Wendy Luta, Diana Jitam, and the Director of the Sarawak Department of Agriculture, Mr. Dominic, for travelling all the way to support us!